Entrusted to Our Care

Entrusted to Our Care

The role you play in shaping and forming your child’s life is vitally important and irreplaceable. The Lord has called you to lead and guide his or her development in all areas. In the same way, a pastor cares for the needs of the body; you have a small church at home to shepherd. Attending to your child’s emotional and spiritual needs demonstrates God’s lovingkindness toward them.

Caring for Your Teens

Caring for Your Teens

As our children mature and grow older, taking on more responsibilities for themselves (as well as having more opinions and a will to push back), we can sometimes lose a little of that awe and marvel we had with them when they were first born. Yet, our call as their parents will always be to love, cherish, and care for them. But we’ve learned that caring for a teenager looks a lot different than caring for a newborn or even a child.

Leading the Lambs: Shepherding the Children in Your Care

Leading the Lambs: Shepherding the Children in Your Care

As children’s leaders, we have an important role to play in supporting kids and parents in the important journey of identity development. Children need to hear repeatedly what God says about them from as many sources as possible to help anchor them in God’s truth about who they are and develop their spiritual identity.